We run peer support groups throughout Lancashire for people facing the challenges of Long Covid, post-covid syndrome’ or ‘post-acute sequelae of Covid-19' (PASC). This page is to help you navigate your own Long Covid journey. The topics are categorised with a link underneath each heading to take you to the information. Please note this is a work in progress as we develop and add new information.
Brain Health Breakthrough CIC Disclaimer: The materials on this website are shared from an ‘expert through experience’ perspective, using a holistic model. Please note that there is no medical advice given by Brain Health Breakthrough CIC. The resources provided are to assist you with your Long Covid journey but should not be a replacement for GP services and advice from a medical professional.
Start here and read the PDF Long Covid Resource along with some useful downloadable PDFs.
Find out about Brain Health Breakthrough CIC Peer Support Groups throughout Lancashire.
Toolkit of mindset tools, breathing practices, hobbies and craft ideas, compassion for you, journaling, relaxation and meditation
Coming soon
Information about Long Covid for employers, family and friends.
Audio playlist to help rejuvenate and regulate your body systems
Coming soon: A selection of recommended podcasts from the group
Coming soon: A selection of recommended books from the group
Coming soon: Recommended YouTube videos from the group
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Information for employers, friends and family
Download 1: Fatigue and post-exertional symptoms
Download 2: What is Long Covid
Download 3 Explaining ME to others
Download 4: COVID-19 Return to Work Guide
Download 5: ACAS Long Covid advice for employers and employees
COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing the long-term effects of COVID-19 NICE guideline Published: 18 December 2020 Last updated: 25 January 2024
Stream music and playlists with SoundCloud and wow your visitors with your tunes.
Guilt workshop
Check out this great video
Overcoming Guilt Audio